Monthly Archives: May 2013

Jobs in Indian Navy

Excellent Opportunity of job in Indian Navy

Indian Navy invites the applications from unmarried Indian Male candidates for joining the Indian Navy as Permanent Commissioned Officer in 10+2 cadet (B.Tech) entry scheme for course commencing December 2013 at the Indian Naval Academy Ezhimala,Kerala. For more information regarding educational qualification,age limit,selection process and other information are mentioned below: Continue reading

Jobs in Mewar Aanchalik Gramin Bank

Excellent Opportunity of job in Mewar Aanchalik Gramin Bank

Mewar Aanchalik Gramin Bank,Udaipur invites the application for the post of Officer Scale – II and Officer Assistant. For more information regarding educational qualification,age limit,number of post,pay scale and other information are mentioned below: Continue reading

Jobs in Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd.


Excellent Opportunity of job in Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd.

Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd. invites the application for the post of Executive  Trainee (Electronics & Communication) and Executive Trainee (Computer Science & IT) .For more information regarding educational qualification, number of post,pay scale,age limit and other information are mentioned below: Continue reading

Jobs in IRCON International Limited


Excellent Opportunity of job in IRCON International Limited

IRCON International Limited invites the application for the post of Assistant Engineer (Civil) and Junior Engineer (Civil). For more information regarding educational qualification,number of post,age limit , pay scale and other information are mentioned below: Continue reading

Jobs in Delhi Technological University

Excellent Opportunity of job in Delhi Technological University

Delhi Technological University (formerly Delhi College of Engineering) invites the application for the post of Professor,Assistant Professor  and Associate Professor. For more information regarding number of post,educational qualification,age limit and other information are mentioned below: Continue reading

Jobs in Canara Bank

Excellent Opportunity of job in Canara Bank

Canara Bank invites Training Programme for Graduates in Jammu & Kashmir and Recruitment for the post of Probationary Officers and Probationary Clerks the Special Industry Initiative-Jammu & Kashmir Scheme.For more details regarding educational qualification,number of post,age limit,pay scale and other information are mentioned below: Continue reading