Excellent Opportunity of job in Northern Railway
Northern Railway , Moradabad Division invites the application for the post of Staff Nurse and Pharmacist on contract basis up to 30th June 2013.For information regarding educational qualification,number of post,age limit,pay scale and other information are mentioned below:
# Name of Post: Staff Nurse
Number of Post: 07
Qualification: Certificates as registered Nurse and Mid – Wife having passed 03 years Course in general nursing and Midwifery from a school of nursing or other institution recognized by the Indian Nursing Council or B.sc Nursing
# Name of Post: Pharmacist
Number of Post: 06
Qualification: 10+2 in Science or its equivalent with 02 years diploma in pharmacy and registration with pharmacy council of India or with state pharmacy council
Location: Moradabad
Age Limit: Staff Nurse: 20 – 40 years and Pharmacist: 20 – 35 years
Pay Scale: Staff Nurse: Rs. 17655/- and Pharmacist: Rs. 10160/-
Last Date: 06 May 2013
How to Apply: Candidates should apply in the prescribed format should be addressed to Divl Personnel Officer / N. Rly / Moradabad and should be sent only by ordinary post. Lat Date for applications is 06 May 2013. Interview will be held on 18 May 2013 (Saturday) at 10.00 Hrs at the office Sr. Divl. Personnel Officer / N. Rly / Moradabad
For more information Visit:http://www.nr.indianrailways.gov.in/recruitment_info.jsp?lang=0&id=0,4